Client List: Trade Associations and Non-Profit Organizations

Affordable Commuting Coalition
Alliance for Connected Care
Alliance for Fair Trade with India (AFTI)
Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound
Altarum Institute
American Cash Handling Coalition
American Coalition for Taxpayer Rights
American Film Institute (AFI)
American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
American Quarter Horse Association
American Task Force on Lebanon
American Transaction Processors Coalition (ATPC)
Armenian Assembly of America
Armenian National Committee of America
ASCAP Foundation
Building and Construction Trades Union
Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO)
Caucasus Nature Fund
Certified Automotive Parts Association (CAPA)
Climate Action Campaign
Correctional Vendors Association
Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF)
Domestic Fuels Solutions Group
Eisenhower Memorial Commission
Embassy of Japan
Investment Company Institute
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA)
Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington
Lance Armstrong Foundation
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
Lifeline Connects Coalition
Merchants Payments Coalition
National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP)
National Association of Realtors
National Education Association Foundation
National Wildlife Federation
Natural Gas Vehicle Association
No Labels
Personal Communications Industry Association (PCIA)
Pharmaceutical Care Management Association
Planet Aid
Practically Republican
Prevent Blindness America (PBA)
Private Investor Coalition
Renewable Fuels Association
Small UAV Coalition
The Broadway League
The Catholic Television Network
The Election Center
The Hispanic Institute
The Jockey Club
The Paul Klebnikov Fund
The Welfare to Work Partnership
United for Patent Reform
USF by the Numbers Coalition
Western Governors University
Wounded Warriors Family Support
Youth Service America

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