Tom Goodwin has 26 years experience in marketing communications and public affairs, having served as a congressional press secretary, journalist, advocate, and communications consultant. He is the founder of Step One Communications.
Step One was founded on the premise that effective communications relies on a thorough and thoughtful planning process. This process includes a proper situation assessment, sound strategic planning, credible and compelling message development, and public relations preparation (crisis planning, media and speech training); and essential public relations writing such as op-ed articles, letters to the editor, and press releases.
Step One's clients include KPMG Consulting, LLC, and through KPMG the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; The Personal Communications Industry Association; The Farm Credit Council; and The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. He also has been a consultant to four public relations firms.
Prior to founding Step One, Tom was executive vice president at The Hawthorn Group, a public affairs firm in Alexandria, Virginia. Previously, while at Porter Novelli from 1995 - 2000, Tom founded and managed the firm's public affairs practice; and later, conceived and directed the operations of Message Mark, a division offering specialized counsel in planning, program design, strategic messaging, and media and presentation coaching.
Tom was a vice president at Powell Tate from 1991-1995. For seven years he managed public relations for the Federation of American Health Systems, the national trade association of investor-owned hospitals. In 1984-85 Tom managed government relations for the National Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, a trade group representing generic pharmaceutical manufacturers.
He is a former trade journalist and accredited White House Correspondent with F-D-C- Reports ("The Pink Sheet"). In 1974 Tom was press secretary to former U.S. Rep. Paul Cronin (R-MA).
Among the clients whom Tom Goodwin has counseled over the years are: United Parcel Service, FedEx, The Association of American Railroads, Procter & Gamble, The Center for Y2K and Society, Organogenesis, The Steel Alliance, The Council on Foundations, Eli Lilly and Company, The Federal Emergency Management Agency, Lockheed Martin, Nextel, RCA, and the NASA Aeronautics Support Team.
Tom Goodwin received his degree in journalism from The American University in Washington, D.C. He and his wife, Cheryl Matheis, AARP director of state affairs, reside in Vienna, Virginia, with their children, John and Claire.